Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
At Bishop Milner Catholic College, we are passionate about our aspirational career’s education. We aim to ensure all students are prepared for the workplace and they can make informed decisions about their next steps. We strive to ensure our learners are viewed as employees of choice by local businesses, international companies and sort after candidates for HE and skilled applicants for apprenticeships.
CEIAG plays central role in our school timetable and is evident in each curriculum area. Student’s experiences are enriched through innovate teaching methods involving the whole school community; competitions, visiting speakers, virtual interactions, trips, signposting and one to one career advice. Our careers fairs are outstanding, forging links with the local and the wider community
Click below for information surrounding the many aspects of careers advice and guidance at Bishop Milner Catholic College.
If you would like to give feedback, or feel you could help with our careers programme in terms of opportunities such as work experience, or in being a guest speaker with respect to your own career experiences, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Careers Lead - Mr M Baker