Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
Sixth Form Bursary
What is the Bursary Fund?
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help young people facing financial hardship to stay on in full time education after Year 11.
The scheme comprises two parts:
A vulnerable bursary
A discretionary bursary
To be eligible to receive a bursary you must be:
Aged over 16 or over but under 19 at 31 August 2022
Aged 19 or over at 31 August 2022 and have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Aged 19 or over at 31 August 2022 and continuing on a study programme they began aged 16-18
Must be on a full time programme of study
Meet the residency criteria in ESFA 2022-23 academic year funding regulations for post-16 provision (Appendix A)
Bursaries will not be paid to:
Students undertaking either full time HE programmes or fully funded Skills Funding Agency or any EFA funding model.
Students from overseas whose main reason for residence in England or the EEA has been attendance at a fee paying college or non-maintained college.
All students living in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man remain ineligible for funding.
Students on waged Apprenticeships
Students in prison or a young offender institution or who have been released on temporary licence.
Accompanied asylum seekers.
1.1 Vulnerable Bursaries
You can apply for a vulnerable bursary of up to £1200 if you fall into one of the following areas:
You are in care.
You are a care leaver.
You are receiving Income Support or Universal Credit in place of Income Support in your own name.
You are receiving Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in your own name.
You will get £1,200 if you are studying a full time course for a minimum of 30 weeks.
1.2 Discretionary Bursaries
The initial allocation less vulnerable bursaries is made available to those applying for the Discretionary Bursaries. The eligibility criteria is based on:
Your family’s income
If your parents receive benefits
If you have been entitled to free school meals
You will be eligible to apply only if you are studying a full time course (540+hrs) for a minimum of 30 weeks.
Eligible Discretionary Bursary claims could be for:
Travel support
Books/equipment/materials/specialist clothing
Exam retakes/UCAS fees
Help with educational visits
Students can apply for the Bursary Fund if:
They are eligible for free school meals or if your parents are claiming one of the following benefits:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit Run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
There are special circumstances related to financial hardship.
Only once all relevant paperwork and evidence has been received can a decision be made as to the entitlement level.
It is the responsibility of the student to provide suitable evidence and to provide a suitable argument as to why access to a bursary is required. The college reserves the right to withdraw payment at any time if the evidence provided is unclear/unsuitable or deemed fraudulent.
How to Apply
The application will cover a single academic year in which the fund was applied to.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund form can be found below: