Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
Early Help
Early Help Offer
At Bishop Milner Catholic College we understand that from time-to-time family life can have its complications.
These may be times when you need some extra help and support.
The Safeguarding Team can offer advice on a range of concerns or can signpost parents/carers to other sources of information help and support.
As a Catholic college, our values and motivations are rooted in the call family and community, solidarity and the dignity of the human person. Therefore, we see our responsibility to help and support the families we serve as an offer of compassion and respect that is entirely free from judgement. Our commitment to Early Help is another way of putting Christ at the centre of all we say and do.
What sort of concerns might parents share with our Team?
A wide range of issues such as financial worries, domestic abuse, bereavement and loss, online safety, behaviour management, housing. In fact, any factors that may have a negative impact on your child(ren).
What school can offer?
Conversations and support from;
DSL and Senior Mental Health Lead-Miss Haughton
DDSL and Family Support Worker- Miss Nicholls
KS3 pastoral Lead – Mr Biddle
KS4 pastoral Lead- Miss Burton
6th Form Pastoral lead – Miss Garrett
Heads of Year, SENCO and Alternative Provision Lead.
School Nurse
School Counsellor
Black Country Food Bank
Youth Justice Service
Big Buddy mentoring
Phase Trust
Theatre In Education
Mentoring- TFTF
Black Country Women’s Aid
Young Carers
Free Breakfast (Toast)
Mental Health support: Wysa App, Young Minds, The Mix, Kooth, NSPCC, BEAT
Uniform- New and Pre- loved
Homework Club
When will Early Help be offered?
School recognises that sometimes families may need another helping hand and will offer support in terms of Early Help where the family can be allocated a Family Support worker to work with the family and school.
The type of things that Early Help can support you with include:
Worries about your child’s health development or behaviour
You might be worried about how they are doing at school
You might have worries about money or housing and how that is affecting you
Your child and family may be affected by domestic abuse, drugs, alcohol, ill health or crime
Early Help can give you the tools to solve challenges or problems you are experiencing with help from others where needed.
What does Early Help look like?
Local Family Centres
There are currently five local family hubs around the borough that can offer support to you and your family. They are open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.
They are located at:
Coseley - Bayer Street, Bilston, WV14 9DS, 01384 813096
Dudley - Selbourne Road, Dudley DY2 8LJ, 01384 812440
Stourbridge - Forge Rd, Stourbridge, DY8 1XF, 01384 818780
Brierley Hill - 18 Parkes Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3DY, 01384 813322
Lye - Lye By-Pass, Stourbridge, DY9 8HT, 01384 813954
If early help is appropriate, the DSL will take a leading role in liaising with other agencies. The approach and services will be evidence based and focused on what works for children and families and all practitioners who are involved will have a shared vision and common skills to put the family at the heart of deciding and implementing solutions as early as possible.
For further information and the most up to date procedure for Early Help Assessments In Dudley, please visit Dudley MBC: Early help for children and families